Grandmaster Chee Kim Thong
The Latter Years
It is interesting to relate that Master Chee in later life declared that it was during these difficult and harrowing wartime years that spiritual powers and capabilities came to him to a very great extent, and with them the realization of just how high a level he had been trained to by his Masters.
Certainly, it is perhaps not accidental that this period witnessed a great change in his life-philosophy.
It was at this point that the young man ever ready to fight, and always the victor in Gong Fu combat, receded, to be replaced by the self-mastered man of healing, who in the latter years of his life, as a gifted Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (as well as Traditional Gong Fu Grandmaster), always maintained:
”When you can injure a person,
you should be able to heal him.”

Dato Chee Kim Thong receiving his title
Indeed, it was partly due to his capabilities as a healer that towards the end of his life, he was awarded the title of Dato (Knight), for the many services he had rendered to the community over many years.
This award was made, by the Sultan of Terengganu (whom Grandmaster Chee had recently treated for a medical complaint) on the occasion of the Sultan’s birthday (29th April) in 1995.